
RADIAN - Facilitating Collaboration in ReseArch and Development to Foster Further Innovation in European AeroNautics
European Union’s Horizon 2020 Coordination & Support Action RADIAN was launched in October 2016. The 36-months-project aims at achieving a more integrated European research environment in aeronautics and air transportation (AAT). The total budget of the project is nearly € 2M and 10 highly qualified partners contribute.
RADIAN brings together partners from across Europe: Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Advanced Materials IFAM (the coordinator) and Thelsys GmbH form Germany, Agenzia per la Promozione della Ricerca Europea and Centro Italiano Ricerche Aerospaziali SCPA from Italy, Aerospace Valley from France, EASN Technology Innovation Services form Belgium, Invent Baltics Ltd. from Estonia, National Aerospace University Kharkiv Aviation Institute from Ukraine, Slot Consulting Ltd. from Hungary, and Association of Polish Aviation Industry from Poland.
RADIAN is a multi-step project which intends to overcome the misbalance in the involvement in aviation research across Europe by identification of barriers for international collaboration in aviation research at EU level, and by subsequent development and verification of solutions and measures on level of the European regions.
The main goal of RADIAN is to contribute to a vision where:
Researchers at both universities and research organisations cooperate in a fully integrated network irrespective of its location, size and financial possibilities.
Attention is also paid to the stronger involvement of commercial companies located in European regions with less activities in AAT, provided that they can give useful contribution, especially in niche areas.
Europe is getting more competitive in emerging new developments (such as the Unmanned Aircraft Systems’ (UAS) market) by building new supply chains if necessary thus opening opportunities for further European commercial companies.
All supply chains fully utilise the possibilities of new and emerging companies, especially SMEs to strengthen the competitive European position in the global fight for industrial leadership.
More info available here:
The European aeronautics and air transport industry integrates organisations from the geographic Europe (beyond member states and including regions with currently less involvement) in order to provide an added value at the European scale.